
🔥 REBIRTH ⵣ — A Rite of Passage for Those Who Hear the Call

The world is unraveling. But maybe… it’s not the end. Maybe this is a rebirth.

Why does the Earth seem to be calling us—through fire, through floods, through the very fabric of our existence?

If you’ve ever felt that pull—the knowing in your bones that you’re meant to contribute something greater, that the systems we built are crumbling for a reason—you are not alone.

🌀 REBIRTH ⵣ is a 7-day voyage for leaders who have heard the call of The Mother.

This is a chance to break free from the colonial mind, from the illusion of separation, from the weight of wounds we inherited from our ancestors.

Imagine sailing through the birthplace of Western civilization—not as a tourist, but as a leader seeking a new story of self, a new vision for human progress.

Imagine visiting the island of Patmos where John The Apostle wrote the apocalyptic book of Revelation—sitting in the same cave and instead dreaming of a symbiotic future?

This isn’t about studying history, but feeling the myths that live inside us.

This isn’t about the theory of global transformation, but experiencing it—in the flesh— alongside indigenous leaders, corporate executives, startup founders and investors.

This is what I’m creating alongside Fatma Ghedira, Carl Hayden Smith and the guidance of a growing council of indigenous elders from The Fountain.

This 6-minute video unveils the next layer of our theory of change, contributing to REBIRTH’s evolution.

If you feel the call, check it out.

If this moves something in you, drop me a message. Would love to hear how Source is stirring in you…

REBIRTH – A Voyage to the New Earth 👀
