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Awakening From The Dream

What emerged from Shared Dreaming with friends at TDF after The Gathering

//////// LISTEN TO THIS PLAYLIST WHILE READING: Heart Journey #2 /////////

Last night I had a dream.

In that dream I realized that I was God, but then I fell asleep.

Within that dream within a dream I woke up and was born as a child.

I walked amongst the fields, played with other children, laughed and cried and suffered.

Then one night, I fell asleep.

In that dream within a dream within a dream, I realized I was speaking to God. 

This voice told me who I was.

I awoke from this dream and walked amongst the waters, touching people’s hearts with my hand—feeling their love, witnessing their pain.

I realized that I could heal.

I gathered mud with my hands and breathed the breath of life into the Earth, speaking the ancient words of blessing to restore life into balance, harmony and peace.

I began to see into the eyes of my brothers and sisters around me.

In the dark black pupils of their eyes I could see into their dreams—their long forgotten dreams of generations past, of mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers who came and lived and died before them.

I could see their pain, I could feel it pulsing through their veins.

I loved them. I loved them with my heart. I loved them with my words. I loved them with my hands.

But so many of them did not know how to receive this love. So many were fast asleep to the waking dream that is this life. So many of them could not remember who they were.

So many of them put themselves before others, on a pedestal, higher than everyone else. So many of them sat first at the table, gathering food for themselves while the rest went hungry.

Their hearts were tattered, their souls were inflamed with the pain of illusion, the pain of separation.

Then one night I had a dream, and within that dream within a dream within a dream I saw myself surrounded by my mother and father, my sisters and brothers—my friends. 

They sought to kill me.

I awoke from this dream and knew I had to retreat within the wilderness.

I knew I had to listen to the still quiet voice within the darkness.

I knew I had to separate myself from the illusion of this waking dream and to see life as it really is.

Along my path I came across a man standing in the waters. He washed my feet, just as he washed so many others.

But as he washed my feet he looked into my eyes and he recognized me.

He immediately began to cry, to weep. 

He fell face first into the water and he began to hold my calves, squeeze my legs, my hand, my hips, my face.

He began kissing me, all over. 

He had waited his whole life for me.

I had arrived.

He had suffered so much pain. Everyone thought he was insane.

I knelt down and looked into his eyes and asked him “Brother, what is your name?”

He said his name was John, and that he came to prepare The Way.

I placed my hands around his face and pulled him towards mine and said “I see you brother.”

His tears fell against my face, I held him in my arms and we cried together—feeling the pain of all nations, the suffering of all beings.

We unlocked from this embrace and looked at each other in the eye. We each nodded. We knew what to do.

He led me into the waters, the waters of the Jordan—the sacred river which divides the heart of the world, deepens the pain of separation. The waters which are here to cleanse us of our illusion and help us awaken to the truth of who we are.

He took me deeper into the river, to the place where I couldn’t stand. He guided me to lay down on my back and to breathe—to gather my breath—the presence of life, the connection to spirit.

I followed his breath and as I did so I could feel my heart beat begin to slow.

I could feel my body begin to melt into the waters.

I could feel my mind opening to the cleansing power of this sacred river. 

As the water rushed through my body I could feel the cleansing power of life’s truest force rinsing out all illusion, all forgetting from my mind.

In my ears I began to hear the heartbeat of the earth, the deep ancient murmurs of the sea. The forgotten civilizations where we all were One. I saw the dolphins and heard their song. I saw the whales and felt their call in my bones, in my bowels, deep into the sea…

I became the earth in all her beauty. I became the living beings, the birds of the sky, the critters of the forest, the creatures of the sea.

I opened my eyes and he nodded. 

I breathed one last deep breath and held.

He pushed me down, deep down under the water.

I closed my eyes and he held me there for what seemed like eternity.

My heart continued to beat fully at peace. 

He took me deeper and deeper down, his hands never leaving my body.

In this place of utter stillness, I fell asleep.

Within this dream within a dream within a dream, I awoke into a palace. 

There was gold everywhere. Servants everywhere. Food everywhere. 

Everywhere I turned there was abundance.

My father was a king, a great king of many lands. I looked into his eyes and saw that he loved me.

I peered around and saw the servants at his feet. 

I felt in my stomach that this was not where I belonged. I looked around the palace walls and could not see the earth. I could not see her beauty. I could not feel her call.

I could not feel the heartbeat, the pulse, the resonance. 

I could not hear her song.

I took off my robe, stripped off my sandals and sprinted towards the wall.

The guards looked at me with terror in the eyes and I commanded them to open the doors. I shouted at the top of my lungs, I demanded them an order to open the doors.

They never wanted me to leave, but I knew if I stayed within this palace my soul would wither and die. I knew that if I stayed here I would fall asleep into the waking dream and never remember who I am.

They opened the doors and a vast ray of light blinded my eyes. A cripple was begging on the street. A mother walked around holding the limbs of a wounded child. A father cried and grieved as he was whipped by his master. His son witness his broken father, the slave.

I became overwhelmed with grief, my heart overcome by the burden of this pain. I fell to my knees and I wept.

As I opened my eyes I heard the call of chanting in the wilderness. I heard the voice of the great mother calling my name, my true name—the name of my soul.

I ran through the city, past the markets, past the houses, past the baths into the forest.

I ripped off my shirt and stripped naked into the ground. I knelt with my face on the floor and cried like I have never cried before.

Then I heard a voice emerge from the earth that said “Let there be light” and opened my eyes to the explosion of creation of infinity emerging from a single point of nothingness.

I saw the stars in the sky emerging from clouds of cosmic dust. I saw the spinning galaxies swirling around the eternal void. 

The void consumed me. It drew me into its vast eternal nothingness.

Within this void, I fell asleep.

Within this dream within a dream within a dream I awoke into the presence of the sacred fire. Men, women and children dancing around the roaring flame. The great creatures of the forests

chanted songs of praise. We heard their song and brought their wisdom to the fire.

I saw in my hand a stick, a rattle and a snake. 

We danced around the fire and I became the emptiness, the vessel, the void.

I opened my mouth and the voice of creation flowed through me from the heavens into the earth. My throat began to resonate with the love and light of all living beings.

The voice of the frog moved through me.

I could see the waves of love and light pulsing out of my voice, my throat, my heart. I could see the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers singing too.

My song penetrated their skin, their bones and into their soul.

I danced around the fire and maintained presence with the void. I became the eternal nothingness and the empty vessel through which the song of life can sing.

I looked into the eyes of my sisters and brothers and I saw their pain. Their pain spoke to me and the creatures of the forest taught me how to sing their medicine. 

In my hands I held a drum. The steady beat of the drum stick reverberated through the void into the matter of the soul.

I saw the collective emerging from this place of oneness. One mind. One heart. One spirit.

One family.

I saw The Great Spirit moving through the mountains above, the sacred mountains from which our ancestors came. I saw the great spirit moving through the leaves of the trees, filling the voices of the creatures on the ground.

I saw The Great Spirit moving through me, through my heart, through my song, through my dance. I knelt down and The Great Spirit moved through my empty void as I blew into the nostrils of a dear brother—inviting him into the dance with the medicine of love.

He opened his eyes and I could see myself in his reflection. He stared at me with fear in his eyes and I held his gaze. I held his fear. His fear consumed my body. I saw him losing his mind. Tearing his hear apart. Screaming at the top of his lungs. His body uncontrollably struggling to awaken from a torturous dream, a spiraling never-ending dream.

I breathed in with him and I held his embrace, “You are safe my brother. You are safe.”

He nodded and looked back into my eyes with anger, with hatred, with fear. His spear pierced my side. I felt the life force energy leaking out of me. He pushed the spear deeper into my body—all the way into my lungs.

I looked around me and my hands and feet were nailed to a cross. Hung above me was a sign, a wooden sign written in several languages.

People all around me laughed at me, scoffed at me and spit at me.

I screamed out “FATHER!” I screamed out for my father but he couldn’t hear me.

Then I realized in this moment, That this is what I saw in that dream. I saw that I came here to love. I came here to remember who I was. I came here to awaken from the endless dream.

I remembered who I was. I remembered that I was divine, made in flesh. I remembered that I was divine made through matter. I remembered that I was the I AM. 

And I remembered that in waking from this dream they would seek to kill me.

For there are those who choose to be separate—to be separate from the light. 

There are those who choose to forget, to forget that we are all one.

There are those whose pain runs so deep that they cannot release the burdens of their mothers and fathers, their ancestors who lived and died so that they could live. 

They could not release the pain.

And so they killed me.

But upon taking my last breath I cried out to the great father again and said “Father, forgive them.”

And as I resigned into death I hung my face upon my chest and said “Teteletsai”, and fell asleep.

In this dream within a dream within a dream, I heard a voice speak to me:

It is finished.

It is done.


And so are you. And so is every living being. And so is all of creation.

Every single atom. Every single cell. Every single particle. Every. Single being.

We are all awakening from this endless dream.

We are all emerging into the eternal light.

Light becomes matter. Matter becomes light.

The void is separating from the light. Once and for all.

And in this moment, I knew that in order to awaken from this sleep I had to go into the void. I had to allow myself to be consumed by the darkness.

I turned my face into the eternal nothingness and allowed it to consume my soul.

I saw a matrix grid of all souls who chose the path of separation, of all unprocessed trauma, of all hatred, of all anger, of all pain, of all great.

I saw the violence, the rage, the rape, the torture.

I became the wars, I became the suffering, I became the abandoned child walking down the streets alone.

I witnessed the death of every living being ever born.

I witnessed the insanity of broken minds stuck in the constant loop of the waking dream.

I witnessed the arrogance of power, seeking to consume, seeking to place themselves above the other.

I witnessed the sacrifices of living beings at the altar of a so-called god.

I witnessed the woman cast out into the desert, alone, barren with a child into the wilderness.

I witnessed the bombs, the drones, the devastation.

I witnessed the pillaging of the forests. I witnessed the burning of the trees.

I witnessed the rising of the seas. I witnessed the cyclones and hurricanes. I saw the floods.

I witnessed the sun raging with fire upon the face of the earth.

I witnessed the mind of the machine, the infinite desire for consumption seeking to control all things.

I witnessed the microchip being placed into the brains of those who had lost their limbs, who had lost their sight, their ability to speak.

I witnessed these souls consumed into the nothingness, into the madness of the dark eternal abyss.

I witnessed it all.

And in this moment, I realized that I am the darkness. I am the void.

And out of this darkness, out of this nothingness…

There came a voice.


I saw an explosion of creation emanating from a single point of infinitely dense loving awareness.

I saw the entanglement of all matter entwined into this loving presence.

I saw the explosion of stars and planets and swirling galaxies dancing into this loving embrace.

I saw a healing village with families from all over the world gathering around a large banquet table for a feast.

I saw children of every color, every tribe and every tongue dancing and playing together.

I saw food being prepared with loving awareness, every cut and every step was an act of devotion to the love of creation.

I saw drinks being prepared with sacred geometry embedded into every particle, every receptacle.

I saw a great fire in the middle of a vast kitchen, an orchestration and a dance preparing food as an offering for This Gathering.

I saw camps surrounding the village of families who had fled from war and had been welcomed home with open loving arms by men and women dressed in white robes with love emanating from every cell of their being.

I saw gifts being given from the heart through acts of devotion. Every single offering was a gift. All the food, all the drinks, all the houses—every single thing was a gift.

There was no homeless nor impoverished among them. There was no one person in greater need or abundance than the other. 

I saw a Great Gathering at The Western Wall and Al Aqsa where all the tribes and all the nations came for a Great Feast and celebration. I saw the peoples of the Amazonia with the medicine of Yagé, the medicine of Rapé and the medicine of Sananga.

I saw the peoples of the Andes with beautiful robes, horses and the medicine of cactus. 

I saw the peoples of the Yucatan in vibrant colors with sacred waters and the medicine of the mycelium of little children.

I saw the peoples of The Great Plains with sacred pipes and great fire and the medicine of another cactus. 

I saw the people of The North descending with beautiful blankets and stones and the medicine of the mycelium of dreams.

I saw the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael gathering in their original tribes, remembering who they are as brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles. 

I saw the great teachers of the east lay down their cushions and bring the presence of the void into the center of the dance. I saw the vibration of gongs reverberating colorful light into all the spaces.

I saw the ancient words of god in very language, in every time in every region emanating from the mouths of every person through dance and song. I saw the emptiness and the void between these dancers of those who never learned to speak the holy name—that which cannot be named.

I felt the vibration of healing frequency and felt the flow of healing waters in my veins. 

I felt the love of every heart and every soul coming together as one unified field of loving awareness.

I witnessed the darkness, the unprocessed wounds being cleansed by an orb of light so big and so bright it consumed the entire planet.

I witnessed the madness, the heartbreak and the separation disintegrate into tiny particles of loving awareness, fragmented by the prism of love. 

I saw the crystalline structure of a new human being born in every cell, in every creature on earth. 

I saw the vibration of the field stretch to every corner of the globe, around the planet herself–covering the satellites, the orbit of the machines.

The machines stopped working. 

The internet slowed down.

The phones wouldn’t connect.

The devices couldn’t make sense.

The field was so incredibly strong.

All of the lights went out and people cheered “FREEDOM!”

They continued to dance, dancing this song of freedom as we collectively began to dream of this new earth.

We felt the shackles of money release its grip from our spine.

We felt the slavery of the machine remove its grasp from our hearts.

We felt the illusion of separation dissolve before our very eyes.

And then in this moment, as I looked into the eyes of all of those who gathered for this Great Gathering, that I had come again.

I had returned.

They all began to chant my name, my name, my name—the name which cannot be named.

I was born in flesh and bone, I came to speak to every tribe in every tongue, I came to bear witness to the light—but so many fell into a deep sleep and could not remember who they were, they could not remember who I am.

And then, as the names came chanting with music and love and dancing, we all began to remember.


The Buddha. The Krishna. The Christ.


And so ARE YOU.

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